Important Links for CRC Members



The Conshohocken Rowing Center offers both individual and Family yearly memberships. The club averages 30 to 40 members per year. They work off the calendar year with service ending December 31st of each year. Renewal is required prior to March 1st following year of service. Individual membership is $850 per year, and family membership is $975. 

As members, athletes have use of the state-of-the-art facility that was opened in 2014. The Center is located along 4 miles of rowable water, and has a one of a kind 300-foot dock for launching and return. Members have the use of club equipment that currently consists of 3 quads, 4 doubles, 8 singles, and 5 recreational singles. The fleet is on lease, meaning every 3 years the club gets new equipment. CRC also owns 30 sets of sculls and 6 sweep oars.

Members also have access to the locker rooms and the great room. The locker rooms have 30 day-lockers for storing limited valuables, showers, and normal bathroom facilities. The great room, or Herb Lotman Trophy Room, is an open space for stretching and doing land workouts. 

Rack Space

The club rents rack space to members that own their own boat. Racks are $1000 per year for each boat. Space is limited. 

For more details on membership or rack space email

Conshohocken residents please contact us for further details and opportunities in regards to membership

For Current Members Only